Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Week of What Not To Do - Tuesday

Welcome to day two of my series "A Week of What Not To Do".

Okay, now that the eyebrows are shaped and the skin around them was burned and scarred so the hair would never grow there again (it was my plan all along, really), time to whiten my teeth! Sooooo excited for this! I really wanted pretty pearly whites.

So, I did what most teenagers on a tight budge who want whiter teeth do; I gargled with strait bleach for five minutes every day.

Cause…if you want something white, you bleach it.

It was painful, but after all, pain is beauty, right? After the second day, I began to develop open raw sores inside mouth. Not to mention the enamel was coming off my teeth and they were very sensitive, you know, to hot, cold, and just the air in general.

The sad thing was I really didn’t think they looked any whiter.

When I mentioned to sores to my mom from the bleach, she reacted hastily.

“What in the world?” she asked. “Didn’t you read the label and the warnings on the bottle first? What are you thinking?” she seemed annoyed.

She grabbed the bottle of bleach and began reading the entire warning section to me.

“..Avoid contact with the eyes, skin and mucous membrane!” she read aloud.

“So?” I said back. “I’m nineteen; I don’t even know what mucous membranes are!”

“That’s the inside of your mouth!” she snipped.

“Oh.” Was really all I could say.

So, at the request of my mother, I stopped whitening my teeth. Besides, it wasn’t really effective anyway….

Stay tuned…tomorrow, we talk about shiny hair!


1 comment:

  1. OH Amy - only you... although I rubbed bleach on my arms - trying to rid myself of Freckles.
