Sunday, March 22, 2009

Too Cute

I have so much homework today so I don't have time to blog very much. But...I have to blog something cute. Erika has been singing all morning. This is normal, she takes after her mom. Here are two songs she has been singing:

"Three cheers for the red, white and blue. Hip hooray! ....oh the star MANGLED banner will forever remember, Three cheers for the red white and blue. Hip hooray!"


"Oh my darlin, oh my darlin, oh my darlin Clemenstein...dreadful sorry Clemenstein."

I hope she never grows up!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


In English this week, we are learning to identify fallacies in literature and text. You remember these: Bandwagon appeal, Straw man, slippery slope, post hoc, non-sequitur, etc.

This got me thinking...of my own fallacies. Here are a few:

1. Stretching the Truth Fallacy- This is where you anticipate that the same stretch marks you acquired with your first pregnancy would darken with your second pregnancy. No, you actually get a whole set of new ones! But nice try.

2. Adverse Re actus Fallacy- This is where you give Benadryl to your toddler for the airplane ride and find that instead of getting sleepy, it actually makes her very hyper. Other airplane passengers do not like this.

3. Felinus Reclinus Fallacy- As soon as you get comfortable on the couch or recliner (and you have the perfect view of the t.v.) the cat will always come sit right on you and block the view.

4. Pectis Erectis Fallacy-This is when you loose weight and your once full breasts become saggy and look like an orange in the bottom of a tube sock.

5. Loogie hoc Fallacy- This is where for some physiological reason, men's saliva differs from women's because they constantly have to spit everywhere they go. . . and we don't.

6. You've Freakin Gotta Be Kidding Me Fallacy- This is when you painstakingly spend all week to find a sitter so you can have a night away from the crying babies. You nestle comfortably in your seat at the theatre with your extra-buttered popcorn just as a couple walks in with their infant carrier seat and fussy infant.

7. Private Pee-er Fallacy- This is where you are the only one in the bathroom and somebody comes in and chooses the stall right next to yours when there were ten others to choose from. (Men have silent stall code for this problem, can't we ladies?)

8. Intrusion Fallacy- Similar to the Private Pee-er Fallacy but when you are the only ones in a restaurant enjoying the privacy and somebody chooses to sit right on top you.

9. Straw Baby Fallacy- Similar to the Straw Man Fallacy of shifting the blame or finding a scape goat only it is when you use your baby or small child as the straw man for your own bodily functions in public. "Johnny, say excuse me!"

10. Manipulation Aggregation- This is when you tell your children that the devil drives the ice cream truck so you don't have to be harassed for money all summer long.

Dedicated to Professor R. Branch and the English Composition Class

Monday, March 16, 2009


Today, Amy found that the anatomical term "weenis" wasn't as hilariously funny to the other forty-nine students in class as is what to her.

Today, Erika found a rather constructive way to tell her mother that in spite of hurting her feelings, her new glasses didn't make her beautiful like she was before and she should stop wearing them.

Today, Tye got a subtle reminder to always look in front of him while going full-speed ahead on his bike.

Today, Dad found that the children have no problem interrupting his bedtime story to declare that mom is by far the better reader and he has been fired from the position...mid-sentence.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dreaming in Coefficients

I started nursing school on the 17th. Wow! My free time is "no more". I have not been able to blog much but don't give up on me.

I had a breakdown in my math class on Monday. It was nice, I cried in class. And we're not even into the really hard stuff yet.

I was venting over dinner about all of my homework and my upcoming tests to which my son replied," I don't even want to hear you complaining Mom. I HAVE to go to second grade, but you signed your own self up for school."

It was a needed perspective. Indeed I did. And I have wanted to go back to school for such a long time. I really am grateful.

I love to learn and I am learning a lot! In fact my dreams have been very vivid and very enlightening; somehow piecing together concepts from class mixed with my everyday life like a covelant bond.

Last week was a blur. I did have one day that was especially bad. I will spare you all the details but it ended up with gushing blood from a deep four-puncture cat bite. By the next morning it looked like I had a softball under my skin on my forearm and the red infection was already streaking toward my heart. I got a shot and some antibiotics. It is getting better and I am "public worthy" now.

That night I dreamt my cat was dressed in a vampire suit lunging over me while I slept.
