Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dreaming in Coefficients

I started nursing school on the 17th. Wow! My free time is "no more". I have not been able to blog much but don't give up on me.

I had a breakdown in my math class on Monday. It was nice, I cried in class. And we're not even into the really hard stuff yet.

I was venting over dinner about all of my homework and my upcoming tests to which my son replied," I don't even want to hear you complaining Mom. I HAVE to go to second grade, but you signed your own self up for school."

It was a needed perspective. Indeed I did. And I have wanted to go back to school for such a long time. I really am grateful.

I love to learn and I am learning a lot! In fact my dreams have been very vivid and very enlightening; somehow piecing together concepts from class mixed with my everyday life like a covelant bond.

Last week was a blur. I did have one day that was especially bad. I will spare you all the details but it ended up with gushing blood from a deep four-puncture cat bite. By the next morning it looked like I had a softball under my skin on my forearm and the red infection was already streaking toward my heart. I got a shot and some antibiotics. It is getting better and I am "public worthy" now.

That night I dreamt my cat was dressed in a vampire suit lunging over me while I slept.
